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What is Yoga ? 

The word yoga means union , the union of body and mind.  The science of Yoga was developed around 5000 years ago in India and consists of  many different practices to promote mental , physical ,emotional and spiritual health and well-being. 


Yoga practices include physical postures (asanas), breathing practices (pranayama), meditation ( dhyana) and relaxation. Yoga is not simply something you 'do' on your mat. The awareness ( mindfulness) you cultivate on your mat can be brought into your everyday life, improving relationships with others and most importantly yourself.  By taking the time to look after your physical, emotional and mental well-being you can be a healthier and happier person.  


There is a misconception that yoga is only for flexible people.  Yoga is for everyone , from the very young to elderly. Yoga practices can be adapted or modified to suit individual needs. Your teacher should ask you to complete a health questionnaire before starting a class and discuss any health issues that might affect your practice. 




 ' Yoga does not change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees'  BKS Iyengar 







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